Free Linden in Second Life Part 2!

Still on my quest to get free Linden and remake my avatar using only money earned from my freebie money earning adventures! Today we’ll be looking at Magic Fi$hing and Magic Cry$tals.

First off I tried out Magic Fi$hing. First off you need to get a free fishing pole and the free HUD, both of which are on the Second Life Marketplace. They will be separate purchases but both free. There is fishing poles that are better that cost money, but the free one is what I’ll be trying out. Once you’ve purchased your Hud and rod, attach them both. The pole will start to load, while thats loading you can go ahead and find a fishing location by clicking ‘Random Location” or “List of Locations”. Once you’ve clicked it the world map will pop up and you’ll just teleport to the location. Once your rod has loaded it will say to click a buoy, after teleporting you should be close to a buoy.


Click the buoy and then click the rod, a security question will popup, (ex: 10+4=?) once the question is answered correctly a countdown will start. The first countdown at is usually longer than the following countdowns. After the countdown you will receive a percentage of a Linden, (ex: .70L) You and continue fishing at the same spot, and after the first security question you don’t have to answer as many.

After an hour (my general time limit to test out these free linden methods) I had earned 13L, not too bad. Similar to the Gold Coins method of earning Linden I talked about in my last post, to get your Linden you need to withdraw your earnings from an ATM. All you have to do is click “+Info-L$ ATM” button on the Hud and it will take you to the location of the ATM. Once at the ATM click on it and it will give you a link to their website where it will ask if you want to withdraw, click withdraw and you will be given your Linden! Pretty simple.Snapshot_002


Next free Linden method I tried was Magic Cry$tals. The same as many other Linden earning methods a free Hud from the Marketplace needs to be purchased and attached. Once attached, like the Magic Fi$hing Hud, just click “Random Locations” or “List of Locations” and then teleport to the location. Similar to the Gold Coins Hunt, you need to search the area for crystals, once a crystal is found, just click it and a countdown will start. Once the countdown is over another countdown will start, this is how much time you have left to click on the crystal and answer the security question before you will lose you’re crystal. The security question is like the other methods, its just a simple math question. Once the crystal is used it disappears.Snapshot1_002

Now I have to admit, unlike all the other methods of earning free Linden, I gave up on this one after about 25 minutes. Why did I give up you ask? Fist location I went to, I only found 1 crystal and it was being used by someone else, if the crystal is in use you can’t use it unless the other person times out. So I left and went to the next location. Second location I couldn’t find any crystals so I moved on to my 3rd location, here I found 1 crystal not in use by someone else, clicked it waited, answered the security question and received 1L. (Unlike other methods no ATM is necessary, after the countdown and security question you are given your Linden.) After finally finding a crystal I was excited to keep this going, 3rd times a charm now to find more… Only I didn’t. Both the “Random Locations” tab and the “List of Locations” tab kept sending me to the same 3 locations. Very annoying and either there was no crystals at all or they were all taken up by other people. I didn’t really want to just hop through these 3 locations until more respawned so I decided to stope the experiment early and just chalk it up as a fail. I hate to do that but was really annoying there was only 3 locations I was being sent to. This may have been a fluke and it may work find for others, there did seem to be a lot of people waiting around at these locations, maybe they were just camping waiting on more to pop up but it was annoying to me. Call me impatient or a quitter, but there are easier methods that are far more worth it to me. I may try this method again later, never say never, but as for right now its a fail for me! Sorry!


Hope someone found this informative! Thanks for reading! If anyone has any forms of earning Linden for free that I haven’t done so far please, leave a comment and I’ll be sure and try it! I love trying out these new methods. If I hadn’t started this blog I would of never even thought about attempting some of these ways. I always assumed they were just boring camps with little to no pay off but some have pleasantly surprised me! If anyone has any other comments or suggestions on anything else Second Life related leave a comment!

Until next time!



Free Linden in Second Life!

The first thing most newbies in Second Life do is search ways to make money (Linden) in Second Life! There are even Second Life wiki pages about it, its a popular topic, no one likes walking around Second Life as a newbie, looking like a newbie! We want the cool clothes and mesh bodies, want to buy these nice high ticket items. But… who wants to use their own hard earned cash on Linden? Not me and clearly from the blog posts, youtube videos and aforementioned wiki pages, not a lot of other Second Lifers! So I am adding one more blog post to the mix… you’re welcome!

I thought I’d go about this as an experiment, I searched a few popular ways to earn free Linden and set a time limit to use them. 1 hour for each method see which earns the most money in the hour allotted. Simple enough. For now I’ve only tested out 4 Linden earning methods, Linden Realms, Gold Hunt, Voodoo Sploder, and Traffic Cones. I may do more later, if anyone reading this has any suggestions for other methods for me to put to the test by all means tell me, but for now and to start off with, I just tested these 4.

First on the list, Linden Realms! This method, to me is my favorite. It’s an actual game, not a hard one and its fun to me. First you need to go to Portal Park, find the portal for Linden Realms, walk through and bam, you are already equipped with you crystal hud and your ready to go. The Hud shows 5 different colors of crystals: Orange, Pink, Yellow, Green, and Blue. Each shade of crystal has a different rarity and price point.

  • 50 Pink=1L
  • 50 Yellow=2L
  • 50 Orange=5L
  • 1 Green =1L
  • 1 Blue = 2L

Now your probably wondering, how do I find/collect these crystals, easy, the crystals are all over the ground in Linden Realms, you just walk through them and your Hud collects them. Now you collect all these crystals how do you turn them in for Linden? There are buildings in the Linden Realm with platforms color coordinated to the crystals, just simply walk onto the platform and your crystals are exchanged for Linden. Simple and fun!Snapshot6_002

1 hour of crystal catching I earned 25L not bad. Only downfall to this Linden method is you have to work for it. Its not a camp where you can leave your computer and do chores around the house while a timer ticks down, you have to actively be playing to catch crystals and earn your Linden. If you have time to sit at the computer though this is perfect for you and fun. Probably my favorite option personally and the most profitable as well, especially if you get lucky and find rare Green and Blue crystals!

Up next, Traffic Cones. Kinda sounds weird… Traffic Cones giving you money, but it works and it’s the next profitable on my list of Linden earners. It takes a little more prep than Linden Realms… well a lot more, Linden Realm literally takes no prep! First thing you need to do is go to Bletaverse HQ go up to the ATM machine, click account, and then password, you will receive a username (your Second Life name) and a temporary password (this password will change, I had a few computer issues and got kicked off of Second Life and had to get a new password twice, but once you start going cone to cone you stay logged in as long as you are online and going cone to cone.). With this info you will also receive a link to their website, go there and log in. Once all this prep is done, click a nearby cone at HQ, it will tell you to click it again to start your journey and so your journey will begin! You’ll be given a landmark, go there find the Traffic Cone, click it and it will give you another link to the website, go there and there will be a code. This code is to be written in chat to activate the Traffic Cone and start the countdown. The code will look something like this: /930KF the slash and all caps is required for it to work. And if you get the code wrong, no big deal, just click the cone again and start over. Once the code is entered correctly a countdown will start. Most of the cones I visited were a 7 minute wait, with a 2L pay out. The longer the wait, the bigger the payout.Snapshot3_001 copySnapshot6_001

After an hour of cone hopping I earned 14L. This method was my second favorite way to earn Linden. Unlike the Linden Realms with cones you can leave the computer and let your avatar do all the work. You do have to make sure you get back to the computer after the allotted time, it will time out and you’ll have to start over. After the first initial countdown you get 3 additional minutes to click on the cone and receive your earnings. On a busy day when I don’t have time to give all my attention to a computer screen, Traffic Cones are awesome! A little bit of prep but its not hard.

3rd Linden earning option I tried out for an hour, Voodoo Sploder. If you have frequented clubs yet in Second Life, you may already be aware of what a Sploder is. Usually with a Sploder you put money in it along with other people and hope you end up getting your money back and maybe a little extra, Voodoo Sploder is just free money to you, no adding money needed. This option is kinda annoying to me to be honest. The majority of the sploders I went to during my experimenting were in club settings. Lots of people already there, then add all the people hanging around the sploders it made it a very laggy experience. Not very big pay outs either for the long wait.

First things first you need to go to Marketplace and buy the Voodoo Tracking Hud (which is free). This Hud has 4 columns, first row is number of people in the sploder, second is location of the sploder, third is the amount in the sploder, and forth is how much time is left on said sploder. If you see a location and price point you like, click it and the Hud will give you information about that sploder. Some sploders have, verify, anti-afk, and group requirements. With verify the sploder will send you a link to a website, click on it and it will just verify that you are not a bot, no questions or anything to answer just automatically verifies when you click the link. Anti-afk is just like the name states, its just a simple pop up question you get asked every few mins to make sure you’re not just camping. And group requirement is just that, you join the landmarks group before being able to join the sploder. Depending on how much time you have in front of your computer, these requirements aren’t so big of a deal. If you want to leave your computer and go do something else while you wait to earn your coin, just simply click through a few different  sploder locations to find on that doesn’t have anti-afk. The sploders, like mentioned already, have a timer on them, you can go to them at any time of this countdown and join. The plus to going early is the possibility of earning more, earlier you are higher the payout. Though it usually is a long wait an hour or longer. I did notice a lot of people piling in right on the end, but for my experimenting I wanted to join a sploder with not a lot of people, and as close to a full wait as I could in order to get maximum payment I could. Snapshot3_001

And the maximum payment I got from this one fancy snowman sploder… 4L. wow. I can stop right their and buy all I need… honestly though not too bad coming from a sploder I didn’t have to do much to join. I had to join the group, and verify. Then I just left my computer did some stuff around the house, had lunch come back and I’m done. No need to re-click on the sploder like with the Traffic Cones, the sploder just gives it to you.

Last method I tried, Gold Hunt. Not a bad method, to me it was similar to Linden Realms and Traffic Cones combined but the payout wasn’t nearly as close. And the earning system was… odd. Like crystals there are different color coins each having a different worth and some colors being more rare.

  • Scrap coins (green) = 0.05L
  • Iron coins (gray) =0.1L
  • Bronze coins (brown) =0.2L
  • Silver coins (silver) =0.5L
  • Gold coins (gold…duh) =1L

Ok first thing to do with this last method go to marketplace again and buy the free hud for Gold Hunt. Then using the hud, click next location and the hud will give you a landmark to a location containing coins. Once in your new location look around, some places have more than one coin, most have quite a few. Just roam around clicking on the coins a timer will start, usually not a very long wait, the lower payout the lower the wait. or example the Scrap coins have a 30 second wait time. After that time you will click on your coin again, a small question box will pop up, answer correctly and your earnings go into your hud. Once you are satisfied with the amount of Lindens you’ve earned and your ready to cash out, click the HQ-Payout button on the hud. Once there you will go up to the ATM shown in the picture (there are a couple other ATMs there as well) and click the ATM and your Linden will be sent to you. Pretty easy. Similar to Traffic Cones but not as much prep.Snapshot_001 copy

After and hour of grabbing coins I earned a grand total of 3L! Woo! Not that exciting I know. With the coins having the wait time, rarity of higher worth coins, and just having an odd Linden worth anyway, it made it hard to earn a lot quick. 90% if more of the coins I came across were the green Scrap coins. Takes a lot of them to make just 1L. You may say well it takes a lot of crystals to make 1L as well, BUT the crystals in Linden Realms are everywhere, and they re-spawn fairly quickly. Gold Hunt was fun, but not really worth the time. Sorry Gold Hunt, I wanted to like you!

In conclusion the 2 best methods for your time and energy are Linden Realms & Traffic Cones in my opinion and from my highly scientific study. (lol) Really just depends on how much time you have to sit in front of your computer and play Second Life really. If you have some time to run around, maybe even make a game out of it with friends and run around together gathering up crystals, then Linden Realms is your jam. If you don’t have time to have your hands attached to the keyboard, maybe you wanna eat lunch or clean the house, then Traffic Cones is more your speed. Personally I think those are the ones I’ll stick to moving forward with my new avatar! If anyone has any suggestions for other methods for me to try, hit me up, I’d love to put them to the test!

Thanks very much for reading, hope you have enjoyed and found this helpful! Have fun earning those Lindens!

~Madame Mink


Hello. My Second Life name is Madame Mink, and this is my Second Life blog! I envision for this blog, experiments in Second Life, exploring, and an evolution on my avatar. My avatars age is not very old, it’s a new creation for the soul purpose of using in this blog. My goal is to earn linden, document my earnings and use them to basically pimp out my avatar!

Along this journey or avatar evolution I’d like to give tips and tricks on styling your avatars for cheap without skimping on style. Also do some reviews on products, and share some places I personally love and love to buy from on my main avatar I use for my personal Second Life enjoyment.

Would also like to go to new and different places in Second Life, enjoy events and try to socialize more with other players. In my own personal Second Life journeys on my own personal avatar I’m usually quite and stay to myself, I want to use this avatar as an excuse to get out of my comfort zone and try knew things! If any Second Lifer reading this has any suggestions for places to go, clothing stores, products, etc let me know! Be more than happy to hear any suggestions!

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

~Madame Mink