Free Linden in Second Life Part 2!

Still on my quest to get free Linden and remake my avatar using only money earned from my freebie money earning adventures! Today we’ll be looking at Magic Fi$hing and Magic Cry$tals.

First off I tried out Magic Fi$hing. First off you need to get a free fishing pole and the free HUD, both of which are on the Second Life Marketplace. They will be separate purchases but both free. There is fishing poles that are better that cost money, but the free one is what I’ll be trying out. Once you’ve purchased your Hud and rod, attach them both. The pole will start to load, while thats loading you can go ahead and find a fishing location by clicking ‘Random Location” or “List of Locations”. Once you’ve clicked it the world map will pop up and you’ll just teleport to the location. Once your rod has loaded it will say to click a buoy, after teleporting you should be close to a buoy.


Click the buoy and then click the rod, a security question will popup, (ex: 10+4=?) once the question is answered correctly a countdown will start. The first countdown at is usually longer than the following countdowns. After the countdown you will receive a percentage of a Linden, (ex: .70L) You and continue fishing at the same spot, and after the first security question you don’t have to answer as many.

After an hour (my general time limit to test out these free linden methods) I had earned 13L, not too bad. Similar to the Gold Coins method of earning Linden I talked about in my last post, to get your Linden you need to withdraw your earnings from an ATM. All you have to do is click “+Info-L$ ATM” button on the Hud and it will take you to the location of the ATM. Once at the ATM click on it and it will give you a link to their website where it will ask if you want to withdraw, click withdraw and you will be given your Linden! Pretty simple.Snapshot_002


Next free Linden method I tried was Magic Cry$tals. The same as many other Linden earning methods a free Hud from the Marketplace needs to be purchased and attached. Once attached, like the Magic Fi$hing Hud, just click “Random Locations” or “List of Locations” and then teleport to the location. Similar to the Gold Coins Hunt, you need to search the area for crystals, once a crystal is found, just click it and a countdown will start. Once the countdown is over another countdown will start, this is how much time you have left to click on the crystal and answer the security question before you will lose you’re crystal. The security question is like the other methods, its just a simple math question. Once the crystal is used it disappears.Snapshot1_002

Now I have to admit, unlike all the other methods of earning free Linden, I gave up on this one after about 25 minutes. Why did I give up you ask? Fist location I went to, I only found 1 crystal and it was being used by someone else, if the crystal is in use you can’t use it unless the other person times out. So I left and went to the next location. Second location I couldn’t find any crystals so I moved on to my 3rd location, here I found 1 crystal not in use by someone else, clicked it waited, answered the security question and received 1L. (Unlike other methods no ATM is necessary, after the countdown and security question you are given your Linden.) After finally finding a crystal I was excited to keep this going, 3rd times a charm now to find more… Only I didn’t. Both the “Random Locations” tab and the “List of Locations” tab kept sending me to the same 3 locations. Very annoying and either there was no crystals at all or they were all taken up by other people. I didn’t really want to just hop through these 3 locations until more respawned so I decided to stope the experiment early and just chalk it up as a fail. I hate to do that but was really annoying there was only 3 locations I was being sent to. This may have been a fluke and it may work find for others, there did seem to be a lot of people waiting around at these locations, maybe they were just camping waiting on more to pop up but it was annoying to me. Call me impatient or a quitter, but there are easier methods that are far more worth it to me. I may try this method again later, never say never, but as for right now its a fail for me! Sorry!


Hope someone found this informative! Thanks for reading! If anyone has any forms of earning Linden for free that I haven’t done so far please, leave a comment and I’ll be sure and try it! I love trying out these new methods. If I hadn’t started this blog I would of never even thought about attempting some of these ways. I always assumed they were just boring camps with little to no pay off but some have pleasantly surprised me! If anyone has any other comments or suggestions on anything else Second Life related leave a comment!

Until next time!
